Terra Praxis

August 2023

This brief report, based on work done by the Terra Praxis team since 2018, summarizes analysis of the risks to the clean energy transition in the United States, United Kingdom, Germany, and Japan, and outlines the immediate risks that must be anticipated and mitigated to ensure progress toward a Net Zero future. It also sets out how, by diversifying the portfolio of emissions-free technologies, aligning targets with feasibility analysis, and implementing risk informed strategies, we can mitigate the key risks and help drive a successful transition.

Climate strategies that enable the repurposing of existing infrastructure to run on emissions-free energy and produce emissions-free fuel are a practical, achievable, scalable, and equitable way to reach a carbon negative economy and put the world on a fast path to growth and decarbonization by 2050. Based on the insights gained from our empirical risk analysis, Terra Praxis has outlined a strategic roadmap for achieving our vision for rapidly and cost effectively repowering the global economy with emissions-free power, heat, and steam.

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