A massive re-imagination of our global energy system is needed to address climate change and grow human prosperity. Your support accelerates scalable, equitable solutions to rapidly replace existing fossil fuel infrastructure with clean energy worldwide.
Terra Praxis Inc is a registered 501(c)(3) nonprofit with EIN 85-4125576. Your contribution is 100% tax-deductible in the United States. If you live outside of the US, we have friends in Canada, the UK, the Netherlands, and Germany (email us to learn more) who can help you make a tax-beneficial gift to TerraPraxis.
Please make checks out to “Terra Praxis Inc”
Mailing Address: 160 Alewife Brook Parkway #1261, Cambridge MA 02138
Make a gift of stock to TerraPraxis through our partner organization Every.org.
For help with direct bank transfers, corporate matching donations, donor-advised funds, or others, please get in touch with philanthropy@terrapraxis.org