Beautiful Nuclear


COP26 Watch – The World is Looking to You

COP26 Watch


November 2, 2021

Terra Praxis joins a broad, diverse group of 40 international organizations to encourage the delegates of COP26 to deliver more urgent action on climate change. We all have different missions and areas of focus but we are united in the belief that COP26 is a seminal moment and we have come together with a shared message to delegates – there is no time to waste, please work together for the future of humanity. The campaign has been collaboratively and collectively developed by the organizations involved, in conjunction with Quadrature Climate Foundation.

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Terra Praxis
Risks to the Energy Transition
Nature & Sustainability (UNSDG)

Stories from 2030

Visions 2100


November 1, 2021

As part of the VISIONS 2100 Project, published at COP26 in Glasgow, this book tells of the power of Visions and invites the reader to create and share their own vision of a better world. Only by starting conversations of the future will we manage to build the world that we really want. These are stories from some of the world’s leading environmental thinkers and influencers. It includes those leading the process of making global agreements on climate change and those working on leading technology solutions. These are the people who are shaping your future world. Their visions tell what they want to see in the future. They are passionate about achieving the world of their vision. Kirsty Gogan and Eric Ingersoll of Terra Praxis were among these leading environmental thinkers who contributed to Stories from 2030. Kirsty Gogan of Terra Praxis along with other contributors to 'Stories from 2030' joined the launch event at the Asia House in London.

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Nature & Sustainability (UNSDG)
Nuclear Basics & Communications

G20 Updates: Climate Talks Dominate Summit’s Final Day

New York Times


October 31, 2021

Mohamed Nasheed, former prime minister of the Maldives who now leads a group of countries called the Climate Vulnerable Forum, singled out the G20’s failure to be more ambitious about phasing out coal. “This is a welcome start,” Mr. Nasheed said in an emailed statement, “But it won’t stop the climate from heating more than 1.5 degrees and devastating large parts of the world, including the Maldives. G20 countries need to look at decommissioning coal plants at home and repowering their coal fleet infrastructure with clean energy.” (Note former Prime Minister Nasheed participated in Terra Praxis' full-day event on De-risking the Terawatt Transition at COP26.)

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Risks to the Energy Transition
Zero-Carbon Fuels
Nature & Sustainability (UNSDG)

UN leader's COP26 plea to 'save humanity' from extreme weather

The National News


October 31, 2021

Mohamed Nasheed, a former president of the Maldives who once held an underwater cabinet meeting to highlight the threat to the Indian Ocean nation, said the coal commitments were not nearly enough. "This is a welcome start. But it won’t stop the climate from heating more than 1.5°C and devastating large parts of the world," he said, "G20 countries need to look at decommissioning coal plants at home and repowering their coal fleet infrastructure with clean energy." (Note former Prime Minister Nasheed participated in Terra Praxis' full-day event on De-risking the Terawatt Transition at COP26.)

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Risks to the Energy Transition
Nature & Sustainability (UNSDG)


Press Release


October 31, 2021

Glasgow — “This is a welcome start. But it won’t stop the climate from heating more than 1.5 degrees and devastating large parts of the world, including the Maldives. And so, clearly, this isn't nearly enough. It is also becoming the case that even if you want to sell coal no one wants to buy it anymore. G20 countries need to look at decommissioning coal plants at home and repowering their coal fleet infrastructure with clean energy.” Former President Nasheed participated at the Terra Praxis Energy Day summit running in parallel to COP26. Watch video of each speaker and the entire Terra Praxis Energy Day summit event.

Nature & Sustainability (UNSDG)

Making COP26 Matter—The role of science and engineering in the energy transition

Institution of Mechanical Engineers


October 28, 2021

The Institution of Mechanical Engineers organized a two-day conference to highlight the central role of engineering in delivering a Net-Zero future. The conference focused on practical engineering solutions to achieve net-zero emissions and consider the wider implications for industry and society. Kirsty Gogan of Terra Praxis gave the keynote talk: Setting the scene – The role of science and engineering in the energy transition.

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Risks to the Energy Transition
Nature & Sustainability (UNSDG)
Nuclear Basics & Communications

India Celebrates World Values Day

SREI Foundation


October 21, 2021

The SREI Foundation hosted "India Celebrates World Values Day" with a special session on "Reconnecting with Nature," which included an introduction by Dr Rahul Varma and talks by Dr H. P. Kanoria, Matthew Pye, Kirsty Gogan, and Satish Kumar. Kirsty Gogan of Terra Praxis spoke about how energy access is a feminist issue. This session also introduced Paul Palmarozza's book, Cultural Cycles & Climate Change.

Nature & Sustainability (UNSDG)

UK Modelling Report 'Decouples Energy from Emissions'

World Nuclear News


June 20, 2021

Diverse, scalable and low-cost applications for nuclear technologies have for first time been fully represented across whole energy system. "To enable the deep decarbonization that is required to meet net zero, it is clear that we need to completely and utterly transform the totality of our energy system." "Our analysis shows how nuclear can help to minimize the overall physical footprint of the energy system and contribute to achieving net zero at least cost to society."

Nuclear Basics & Communications

Nuclear Innovation Highlighted at CEM12

World Nuclear News


June 3, 2021

Leaders in the nuclear sector discussed how nuclear energy can contribute to reducing carbon emissions in the fight against climate change during a panel discussion on the side lines of the 12th Clean Energy Ministerial (CEM12) hosted by Chile. They said technological breakthroughs and innovations can extend nuclear energy's contribution to climate action and accelerate strategies to cleaner energy. The discussion was moderated by Kirsty Gogan, co-founder of Terra Praxis.

Nuclear Basics & Communications

Net Zero Emissions Pathways with Nuclear Innovation (CEM12)

Clean Energy Ministerial


June 3, 2021

This 12th Clean Energy Ministerial (CEM12) event was hosted by the NICE Future initiative, and moderated by Kirsty Gogan of Terra Praxis. View the video of this session with international leaders discussing how flexibility and integration can maximize the full potential of clean, reliable, and affordable power systems enabling the transition towards countries’ ambitious net zero goals. Note that at the 36th minute, Kirsty Gogan interviews current and former Director Generals Sama Bilbao y León, Grossi, and Magwood and then she has a conversation with Fatih Birol.

Zero-Carbon Fuels
Nuclear Basics & Communications

After the Energy White Paper: Where Now for Energy Policy?

Center for Policy Studies Webinar


May 3, 2021

Watch Kirsty Gogan of Terra Praxis in this important discussion. In the year the UK hosts COP26, the Prime Minister has made delivering a Green Industrial Revolution a key priority for the Government. Meeting the Net Zero target by 2050 will largely depend on how quickly the energy system can be decarbonized. A greater share of electricity generation will need to come from zero-emission sources, such as nuclear and renewables. But other trends — such as the electrification of transport and heating — will mean more electricity overall will need to be generated. This discussion explores how Britain can ensure that it has the infrastructure and policies in place to meet these challenges.

Zero-Carbon Fuels
Nature & Sustainability (UNSDG)

Atoms for Humanity



April 30, 2021

Kirsty Gogan was invited to moderate a discussion centred on the social, environmental, and global partnerships aspects of the United Nation's Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) at the launch of Atoms for Humanity - Why Humanity Needs Nuclear produced by Rosatom.

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Nature & Sustainability (UNSDG)
Nuclear Basics & Communications

Nuclear Enables Environmentalists to Talk About 'Plenty'

World Nuclear News, Atoms for Humanity


April 30, 2021

Caring about the environment has traditionally focused on the scarcity of natural resources, but with nuclear power a healthier world can also mean abundance for all, environmentalist Ben Heard (NGO Bright New World) said today at the Atoms for Humanity discussion on Why Humanity Needs Nuclear produced by Russia's Rosatom. The discussion centred on the social, environmental, and global partnerships aspects of the United Nation's Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). It was moderated by Kirsty Gogan, co-founder of Terra Praxis.

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Zero-Carbon Fuels
Nature & Sustainability (UNSDG)

Nuclear's Contribution to SDGs is Undervalued, says Bilbao y León

World Nuclear News


April 30, 2021

Dr. Bilbao y León, Director General of the World Nuclear Association, was interviewed by Kirsty Gogan, host of the launch of Atoms for Humanity, a unique awareness initiative capturing ordinary people from all over the world telling stories on how nuclear transforms their lives. Gogan said one of the core SGDs relates to gender equality. "But also, it's about public health and wellbeing, and again this is absolutely essential to the sustainable development goals. I think nuclear energy can contribute really meaningfully to both of those objectives." "Nuclear energy per se obviously contributes to having this reliable, resilient, 24/7 energy supply that we know is absolutely indispensable to power modern health infrastructure," Bilbao y León said. "We are in the middle of this very terrible COVID-19 pandemic and we are seeing how essential having that access to 24/7 electricity is to cope with this crisis.

Risks to the Energy Transition
Nature & Sustainability (UNSDG)
Nuclear Basics & Communications

On Course to Create a Fusion Power Plant

MIT News


April 28, 2021

Eric Ingersoll, co-founder of Terra Praxis, helped teach this MIT engineering course, which became an incubator for fusion design innovations. Dennis Whyte, director of the Plasma Science and Fusion Center (PSFC), is the professor of nuclear science and engineering class 22.63 (Principles of Fusion Engineering). Since taking on the course over a decade ago, Whyte has moved away from standard lectures, prodding the class to work collectively on finding solutions to “real-world” issues. Over the past years the course, and its collaborative approach to design, has been instrumental in guiding the real future of fusion at the PSFC.

Economics, Cost Drivers & Commercialization
Nuclear Basics & Communications