Beautiful Nuclear


Oil Companies and Major Utilities Mulling Purchase of 1.4GW Green Hydrogen Project in Chile



April 21, 2021

The $3bn HNH facility, to be powered by 1.8GW of onshore wind, will generate up to 1m tones of green ammonia per year.

We wanted to share this informative article; it does not mention Terra Praxis.

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Zero-Carbon Fuels
Nature & Sustainability (UNSDG)

Paris accords: Nuclear energy must be part of a serious US recommitment

The Hill


January 26, 2021

We'd like to share this article by Dr. Sweta Chakraborty: Nuclear energy must play a role in the overall global energy transition alongside other low-carbon technologies, although the extent of the role will vary between countries. With the U.S. recommitting to the Paris Accords and conceivably taking the lead, the role of nuclear energy must be supported globally...The U.S. must lead by example and show that nuclear energy is necessary for a stable energy transition and to support the removal of reliance from fossil fuels. (This article does not mention Terra Praxis.)

Nature & Sustainability (UNSDG)
Nuclear Basics & Communications

Which are the most effective climate change nonprofits?



December 11, 2020

This article reports that two groups of independent researchers set out to identify the most effective nonprofits that are working to curb climate change. Their findings may surprise you. Giving Green recommends five organizations: the Clean Air Task Force, the Sunrise Education Fund, which is the 501(c)(3) arm of the Sunrise Movement, Climeworks, Burn and Tradewater. Top charities selected by researchers at the Founders Pledge are the Clean Air Task Force (again), Carbon 180 and Terra Praxis.

Terra Praxis
Risks to the Energy Transition
Nature & Sustainability (UNSDG)

EU Sustainable Finance Taxonomy: The case to unlock sustainable funding for nuclear industry



November 5, 2020

The EU’s Sustainable Finance Taxonomy committee had out-of-date information that was putting nuclear at risk of being misclassified. So ARUP team members dug through 70 years of the industry's techniques and best practices. The report they delivered showed a body of scientific evidence for good waste management—supporting a conclusion that nuclear power deserves a place in the EU Sustainable Finance Taxonomy framework. Kirsty Gogan of Terra Praxis was an advisor to this report. Read the report at the link below.

Nature & Sustainability (UNSDG)
Economics, Cost Drivers & Commercialization

I always judge myself before others! Kirsty Gogan

Are We Nearly There Yet? Podcast


October 21, 2020

Listen to this podcast with Kirsty Gogan about her life and how she came to work on climate issues. Kirsty highly recommends reading Professor Sir David MacKay’s book “Sustainable Energy Without the Hot Air” ( which opened her eyes to the scale of the energy challenge and not being able to address it with renewables alone.

Nature & Sustainability (UNSDG)
Nuclear Basics & Communications

Policymakers should act now on nuclear, urges new report

World Nuclear News


September 15, 2020

There are immediate actions that countries and stakeholders can take in understanding the importance of nuclear power in the transition to clean energy, according to a report published today by the Flexible Nuclear Campaign for Nuclear-Renewables Integration (FNC). FNC is a campaign of the Nuclear Innovation: Clean Energy Future (NICE Future) initiative under the Clean Energy Ministerial (CEM), and coordinated by the National Renewable Energy Laboratory. Terra Praxis' partner organization helped create this campaign.

Risks to the Energy Transition
Nuclear Basics & Communications
Economics, Cost Drivers & Commercialization



April 6, 2019

LucidCatalyst created a Stakeholder Engagement Curriculum for newcomer countries on behalf of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA). The workshop aims to provide a basic grounding in the concepts and best practices of stakeholder involvement for a broad variety of participants, drawn from around the globe and across the full range of nuclear activities.

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Nuclear Basics & Communications
Terra Praxis



Terra Praxis welcomes the new International Energy Agency (IEA) report, Nuclear Power and Secure Energy Transitions: From Today’s Challenges to Tomorrow’s Clean Energy Systems, (published June 30, 2022), which concludes that nuclear power can play a significant role in helping countries solve the twin crises of energy and climate.

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Nuclear Basics & Communications
Terra Praxis