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National Nuclear Lab News
June 16, 2021
The UK's NNL has published ground-breaking modelling report demonstrating the role nuclear can play in delivering the UK’s net zero goals. This is the first time that such diverse, scalable and low-cost applications for nuclear technologies have been fully represented across the whole energy system. This work reveals potential routes to de-risk and lower the cost of achieving net zero. The modelling, which was conducted with independent specialists from Energy Systems Catapult and LucidCatalyst, (partner organization to Terra Praxis) considers the whole energy system on the path to net zero. This includes the role of nuclear in providing not just electricity but also heat, hydrogen and synthetic fuels.
The Rational View Podcast
June 11, 2021
Professional astrophysicist Dr. Al Scott has a conversation with Terra Praxis co-founders, Kirsty Gogan and Eric Ingersoll discussing their idea to revolutionize the battle against fossil fuels and carbon emissions: using the heat and electricity from advanced heat sources to create hydrogen more efficiently than by non-thermal electrolysis. This carbon-free hydrogen can be used to create synthetic fuels and could contribute to reversing the accumulation of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere.
Clean Energy Ministerial, Event Video
June 4, 2021
Watch Kirsty Gogan and Eric Ingersoll of Terra Praxis in a video of this event led by the NICE Future initiative at the 12th Clean Energy Ministerial (CEM12), which took place in Chile (May 30 – June 4, 2021). The discussion expanded on nuclear technology’s system flexibility benefits, presenting new applications that target hard-to-abate sectors and enable re-use of existing infrastructure without emissions, including the opportunity to repower coal fleets making them cleaner and more flexible. Note: Eric presents REPOWER at 42.30 mins and then Kirsty has a brief conversation with Rumina Velshi, President and CEO of the Canadian Safety Nuclear Association.
Clean Energy Ministerial
June 3, 2021
This 12th Clean Energy Ministerial (CEM12) event was hosted by the NICE Future initiative, and moderated by Kirsty Gogan of Terra Praxis. View the video of this session with international leaders discussing how flexibility and integration can maximize the full potential of clean, reliable, and affordable power systems enabling the transition towards countries’ ambitious net zero goals. Note that at the 36th minute, Kirsty Gogan interviews current and former Director Generals Sama Bilbao y León, Grossi, and Magwood and then she has a conversation with Fatih Birol.
Clean Energy Ministerial
June 3, 2021
This 12th Clean Energy Ministerial (CEM12) event was hosted by the NICE Future initiative, and moderated by Kirsty Gogan of Terra Praxis. View the video of this session about clean energy and green hydrogen for fuels and industrial heat. Even as clean electricity becomes more readily available worldwide, emissions are still projected to continue, and rise, in difficult to decarbonize sectors, such as industry, aviation and shipping. This event explored opportunities to target these hard-to-abate sectors with advanced heat sources and hydrogen-enabled synthetic fuels to accelerate cost-effective transitions to zero emissions energy systems. Kirsty presents the findings from the Missing Link report starting at 21.30 and then at 53.30 there is an interesting Q&A session with all the panelists.
World Nuclear News
June 3, 2021
Leaders in the nuclear sector discussed how nuclear energy can contribute to reducing carbon emissions in the fight against climate change during a panel discussion on the side lines of the 12th Clean Energy Ministerial (CEM12) hosted by Chile. They said technological breakthroughs and innovations can extend nuclear energy's contribution to climate action and accelerate strategies to cleaner energy. The discussion was moderated by Kirsty Gogan, co-founder of Terra Praxis.
World Nuclear Association Webinar
May 26, 2021
The WNA hosted this webinar exploring the role of nuclear energy to decarbonize sectors beyond electricity with two studies: Canadian Nuclear Association President, John Gorman, on the economic and climate implications of employing small modular reactors (SMRs) in Canada’s high-emitting industrial sectors, and Terra Praxis co-founder Eric Ingersoll, discussed how untapped options for clean hydrogen can put the world back on the pathway to the Paris climate goals.
Top Tier Impact Webinar
May 5, 2021
Watch this webinar sponsored by Top Tier Impact and LucidCatalyst about how we can de-risk the energy transition, featuring Kirsty Gogan, Eric Ingersoll, and John Herter, of LucidCatalyst and Terra Praxis. Reducing emissions at the pace and scale required demands wholesale structural change, including utilization of all currently available low-carbon technologies and new innovations. The challenges may be unevenly spread across sectors, especially for the hard to decarbonize sectors such as industry, shipping, and aviation — but all must contribute.
Center for Policy Studies Webinar
May 3, 2021
Watch Kirsty Gogan of Terra Praxis in this important discussion. In the year the UK hosts COP26, the Prime Minister has made delivering a Green Industrial Revolution a key priority for the Government. Meeting the Net Zero target by 2050 will largely depend on how quickly the energy system can be decarbonized. A greater share of electricity generation will need to come from zero-emission sources, such as nuclear and renewables. But other trends — such as the electrification of transport and heating — will mean more electricity overall will need to be generated. This discussion explores how Britain can ensure that it has the infrastructure and policies in place to meet these challenges.
World Nuclear News
April 30, 2021
Dr. Bilbao y León, Director General of the World Nuclear Association, was interviewed by Kirsty Gogan, host of the launch of Atoms for Humanity, a unique awareness initiative capturing ordinary people from all over the world telling stories on how nuclear transforms their lives. Gogan said one of the core SGDs relates to gender equality. "But also, it's about public health and wellbeing, and again this is absolutely essential to the sustainable development goals. I think nuclear energy can contribute really meaningfully to both of those objectives." "Nuclear energy per se obviously contributes to having this reliable, resilient, 24/7 energy supply that we know is absolutely indispensable to power modern health infrastructure," Bilbao y León said. "We are in the middle of this very terrible COVID-19 pandemic and we are seeing how essential having that access to 24/7 electricity is to cope with this crisis.
World Nuclear News, Atoms for Humanity
April 30, 2021
Caring about the environment has traditionally focused on the scarcity of natural resources, but with nuclear power a healthier world can also mean abundance for all, environmentalist Ben Heard (NGO Bright New World) said today at the Atoms for Humanity discussion on Why Humanity Needs Nuclear produced by Russia's Rosatom. The discussion centred on the social, environmental, and global partnerships aspects of the United Nation's Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). It was moderated by Kirsty Gogan, co-founder of Terra Praxis.
April 30, 2021
Kirsty Gogan was invited to moderate a discussion centred on the social, environmental, and global partnerships aspects of the United Nation's Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) at the launch of Atoms for Humanity - Why Humanity Needs Nuclear produced by Rosatom.
MIT News
April 28, 2021
Eric Ingersoll, co-founder of Terra Praxis, helped teach this MIT engineering course, which became an incubator for fusion design innovations. Dennis Whyte, director of the Plasma Science and Fusion Center (PSFC), is the professor of nuclear science and engineering class 22.63 (Principles of Fusion Engineering). Since taking on the course over a decade ago, Whyte has moved away from standard lectures, prodding the class to work collectively on finding solutions to “real-world” issues. Over the past years the course, and its collaborative approach to design, has been instrumental in guiding the real future of fusion at the PSFC.
American Nuclear Society
April 22, 2021
Watch this special Earth Day discussion hosted by ANS. Panelists representing a broad spectrum of environmental, social, and advocacy perspectives discussed what Earth Day means to them. Panelists: Isabelle Boemeke, Nuclear Energy Influencer; Josh Freed, Senior Vice President, Climate and Energy Program, Third Way; Kirsty Gogan, Co-Founder, Terra Praxis, and Managing Partner, LucidCatalyst; Katie Mummah, PhD Student, University of Wisconsin-Madison; Rich Powell, Executive Director, ClearPath and ClearPath Action. Moderator: Craig Piercy, Executive Director/CEO, American Nuclear Society. For Terra Praxis 'every day is Earth Day'.
April 21, 2021
The $3bn HNH facility, to be powered by 1.8GW of onshore wind, will generate up to 1m tones of green ammonia per year.
We wanted to share this informative article; it does not mention Terra Praxis.
GAIN Webinar
April 20, 2021
Eric Ingersoll and Kirsty Gogan were invited to present on Non-Power Applications, at this the Gateway for Accelerated Innovation in Nuclear (GAIN) Webinar Series, examining the opportunities, challenges, and innovations needed for shaping our carbon-free future.
April 20, 2021
Reason prevails! The European commission has announced that it will include nuclear power in the EU’s sustainable taxonomy under a complimentary delegated act that will confirm the energy source is as sustainable as other taxonomy-compliant power technologies. The delegated act will be consistent with the conclusions of a Joint Research Centre report on nuclear power. The JRC, the commission’s scientific expert arm, was asked to assess whether the EU should label nuclear power as a green investment. It concluded that the fuel qualifies as sustainable and does no more harm to human health or to the environment than other electricity production technologies already included in the bloc’s taxonomy.
Reuters Events Nuclear Webinars
March 30, 2021
When it comes to new applications, SMR’s are looking to horizons that have never been seen before. From green hydrogen to desalination, we need to understand how to develop engineering and financial resources to meet these challenges head on, and seize market share in brand new markets. Criticality Capital, Anthropocene Institute, Terra Praxis, ARC Clean Energy and Reuters Events teamed up to create this webinar. Key Speakers sharing expert insight include: Robert Braun, COO, Arc Clean Energy; Leslie Dewan, Founder, Criticality Capital; Kirsty Gogan, Co-founder, Terra Praxis. The four key topics include: carbon capture; production of clean hydrogen and synthetic fuels; desalinization; and industrial heat. View Kirsty's presentation at the link below.
The New Nuclear Watch Institute (NNWI)
March 24, 2021
New commercial offerings are set to drive such needed rapid and cost-effective decarbonization, beyond generating clean electricity. In September 2020, LucidCatalyst published a new report: Missing Link to a Livable Climate that made a crucial breakthrough in designing new strategies for clean, low cost and large-scale hydrogen and clean synthetic fuels production. These hydrogen-enabled synthetic fuels would address the two thirds of global energy use beyond the power sector, which includes sectors like shipping, aviation, and industry. This article describes the key points and urgency to implement these strategies. (Terra Praxis is disseminating the report findings widely.)
Cimpatico Podcast
March 24, 2021
Kirsty Gogan discusses the three main organizing principles in order to achieve decarbonization — Scale, Speed, and Cost. She uses the analogy of “Impossible Burgers” with respect to traditional fossil fuels and suggests that low-cost, clean hydrogen-based synthetic fuel can be a feasible alternative to fossil fuel in shipping, aviation, and other industries.
Terra Praxis: Missing Link to a Livable Climate
March 8, 2021
Watch a recording of the webinar, hosted by Terra Praxis and Japan NRG, launching the Japanese edition of our flagship report: Missing Link to a Livable Climate – 生存可能な気候保全のた めの「ミッシングリンク」. The report can also be downloaded from our website here.
March 6, 2021
For carbon-free hydrogen to play a significant role in decarbonization, it will need to be produced in large quantities at low cost to compete with hydrocarbons. The need for nuclear in carbon-free hydrogen production took on urgency in a recent panel discussion, part of the Atlantic Council’s Global Energy Forum. Kirsty Gogan of LucidCatalyst and Terra Praxis is quoted and the Missing Link report, which Terra Praxis is helping disseminate, describing proposals for large-scale production of green hydrogen is discussed. The report recommends “a new generation of advanced heat sources,” which includes advanced modular reactors, which power electrolysis with heat.
World Nuclear News
February 23, 2021
Given the scale and urgency of the required clean transition combined with the growth of the global energy system, all zero-carbon hydrogen production options must be pursued, energy research and consultancy firm LucidCatalyst stresses in its latest report, Missing Link to a Livable Climate, which describes how to decarbonize "a substantial portion" of the global energy system, for which there is currently "no viable alternative", and presents the six actions that are needed. "The potential of advanced heat sources to power the production of large-scale, very low-cost hydrogen and hydrogen-based fuels could transform global prospects for near-term decarbonization and prosperity."
Terra Praxis is helping disseminate the Missing Link report.
HM Treasury NetZero Report
January 31, 2021
Terra Praxis' partner, LucidCatalyst's ETI NCD Study is cited in the UK's HM TreasuryNetZero Interim report as evidence that "learning can, and does, occur for nuclear power plant construction where nations are able to invest in fleet deployment, using the same design across multiple projects, as seen in the Republic of Korea and elsewhere.” (Page 39). " Nuclear project developers are also exploring ways to modularize construction where possible to mitigate delays...and reduce overall project risk. Furthermore, pending global regulatory approval, small modular reactors (SMRs), could have the potential to go further by using repeat manufacture and on-site assembly techniques that accelerate learning and enable cost reductions."
Atomic Insights Podcast
January 28, 2021
Kirsty and Eric join Rod Adams and other experts in a lively discussion of nuclear plant costs and the relationship of costs to size. Pro-nuclear advocates generally agree that there is a large and growing need for new nuclear power plants to meet energy demands with less impact on the planet and its atmosphere. There is frequent, sometimes passionate discussion about the most appropriate reactor sizes, technologies and specific uses. Other guests include: Nick Touran, Chris Keefer, and Jessica Lovering. Listen or read more to hear their conclusions.
The Hill
January 26, 2021
We'd like to share this article by Dr. Sweta Chakraborty: Nuclear energy must play a role in the overall global energy transition alongside other low-carbon technologies, although the extent of the role will vary between countries. With the U.S. recommitting to the Paris Accords and conceivably taking the lead, the role of nuclear energy must be supported globally...The U.S. must lead by example and show that nuclear energy is necessary for a stable energy transition and to support the removal of reliance from fossil fuels. (This article does not mention Terra Praxis.)
World Nuclear News
January 25, 2021
Using nuclear plants to generate heat as well as electricity for non-grid industrial applications could be central to deep decarbonization efforts beyond being a source of zero-carbon electricity. Kirsty Gogan and other speakers at the fifth Atlantic Council Global Energy Forum last week looked at how hydrogen – and nuclear – can contribute to carbon abatement efforts in areas that have so far been hard to decarbonize.
Atlantic Council Global Energy Forum
January 22, 2021
Kirsty Gogan was honored to participate in the fifth annual Atlantic Council Global Energy Forum, the premiere international gathering of government, industry, and thought leaders to set the energy agenda for the year. Non-grid nuclear applications hold key to decarbonization: using nuclear plants to generate heat as well as electricity for non-grid industrial applications could be central to deep decarbonization efforts beyond being a source of zero-carbon electricity. The panel looked at how hydrogen and nuclear energy can contribute to carbon abatement efforts in areas that have so far been hard to decarbonize. Watch the video and/or learn more about the Global Energy Forum at the web link below.
The 4th Generation | Advanced Energy
January 19, 2021
This article, written by our frequent collaborator, Rauli Partanen, is part 2 of a 4-part series on clean hydrogen and how to bring its costs down. The research is drawn from the Missing Link report by LucidCatalyst, which Terra Praxis is disseminating. The main factors in clean H2 production are: The main factors in clean H2 production cost are: 1. Capacity factor of energy supply; 2. Capital investment (CapEx) of energy supply; 3. Efficiency of electrolyzers (what percentage of electricity is turned into hydrogen); 4. CapEx of electrolyzers.
Nuclear Industry Association UK
January 19, 2021
Kirsty Gogan joined a distinguished panel to discuss how we can achieve cost reduction in nuclear new build. The new build cost reduction target is to deliver a 30% reduction in the cost to the consumer of low carbon new nuclear generation by 2030, in support of the UK’s net zero commitment. View the presentation from the webinar on the LucidCatalyst website, link below.