At the the GreenBiz Group's Verge21 Conference: What is next-gen nuclear, and how could it fit into decarbonization?—Kirsty Gogan, Founder & Managing Partner of Terra Praxis, and Isabelle Boemeke, Fashion Model & Nuclear Energy Influencer aka Isodope, joined Sarah Golden, Senior Energy Analyst & VERGE Energy Chair at GreenBiz Group, and spoke about advanced nuclear technology and answered participants' questions.
At the the GreenBiz Group's Verge21 Conference: What is next-gen nuclear, and how could it fit into decarbonization?—Kirsty Gogan, Founder & Managing Partner of Terra Praxis, and Isabelle Boemeke, Fashion Model & Nuclear Energy Influencer aka Isodope, joined Sarah Golden, Senior Energy Analyst & VERGE Energy Chair at GreenBiz Group, and spoke about advanced nuclear technology and answered participants' questions.