Advancements in small modular reactor (SMR) technology are being supported by government investment within several countries, including the U.S. and the UK, as SMRs are increasingly seen as a way to take advantage of zero-emission nuclear power without the expense of building new, large nuclear power plants. Recent investments have looked at how parts for SMRs could be fabricated and then assembled at their destination, another way to reduce construction and overall project costs. Kirsty Gogan is quoted, referring to "advanced heat sources", and saying that they can provide economical and clean dispatchable generation, repower coal plants, and supply heat.
Advancements in small modular reactor (SMR) technology are being supported by government investment within several countries, including the U.S. and the UK, as SMRs are increasingly seen as a way to take advantage of zero-emission nuclear power without the expense of building new, large nuclear power plants. Recent investments have looked at how parts for SMRs could be fabricated and then assembled at their destination, another way to reduce construction and overall project costs. Kirsty Gogan is quoted, referring to "advanced heat sources", and saying that they can provide economical and clean dispatchable generation, repower coal plants, and supply heat.