LucidCatalyst created a Stakeholder Engagement Curriculum for Newcomer Countries on behalf of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA). The workshop materials are designed for a regional workshop aimed at improving knowledge and competencies of representatives of multiple member states from a geographical region for communicating about nuclear issues – aimed at IAEA member states working towards a nuclear power program. Aimed at representative government bodies, regulatory agencies or operators, and organizations involved in planning for introduction of a nuclear power program, in operating reactors, in waste management (both temporary spent fuel storage facilities and final radioactive waste repositories), or in decommissioning and environmental remediation.

The course content is relevant for nominees involved in uranium mining, fuel manufacturing or reprocessing plants, research reactors, or any other facility that carries a real or perceived radiological risk, where building trust and relationships with stakeholders is paramount.

​The workshop aims to provide a basic grounding in the concepts and best practices of stakeholder involvement for a broad variety of participants, drawn from around the globe and across the full range of nuclear activities. The workshop is built around three main pillars: a suite of standard training lectures, practical exercises (often set in fictional but realistic scenarios), and guest speakers from both the IAEA and external bodies. A one-week agenda covers a core curriculum of lectures and exercises plus guest speakers.

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