On July 6, 2022, EU parliament voted in favor of the inclusion of nuclear energy in the sustainable finance taxonomy. The vote demonstrates European confidence and support for nuclear energy as a key asset in our efforts to achieve Net Zero emissions and recognition oft he need to further unlock future investment in maintaining and sustaining our existing fleet, as well as in new nuclear energy. Terra Praxis founders, Kirsty Gogan and Eric Ingersoll, are pleased to have contributed to this long-overdue outcome through their extensive publications and engagement with the European Commission Technical Expert Group on Sustainable Finance, including their Assessment of the Sustainability of Nuclear Power and an open petition prepared for the European Commission in 2019.

“We are encouraged by the EU parliament’s recognition of nuclear as a necessary solution to achieving Net Zero emissions by 2050. This will enable investment in the lowest cost decarbonisation - which is long term operation of existing nuclear plants - as well as grow investment in new advanced nuclear technologies, which have the potential to dramatically accelerate decarbonisation across power, heat, industry and transport, while protecting our planet, and growing human prosperity.”

- Kirsty Gogan, TerraPraxis Cofounder

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