Kirsty Gogan joined the stage for the session "Scaling Global Clean Energy". As the world starts to move closer to a pathway to net-zero emissions, the potential benefits are enormous. The shift will offer unprecedented market opportunities to equipment manufacturers, service providers and developers, as well as engineering, procurement and construction companies along the entire clean energy supply chain. Kirsty was joined on stage by Holly Ransom - host and moderator, Ashish Sethia, Evan Siddall, and Dan Balaban to discuss the progress and also the investment challenges of scaling global clean energy.
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During the Summit, Kirsty also presented "Reimagining the global coal fleet".
Nobody likes disruption. However, in order to avoid the catastrophic disruption from climate change, we need to find new opportunities in our global energy challenges. We need to continue to produce enough energy for the growing global population while, simultaneously, bending the emissions curve. How how do we do this with tough to decarbonize parts of the economy like industrial heat, coal and heavy transport? In this fascinating talk, Kirsty Gogan shared how a reimagining of our energy system is needed in order to protect our planet and grow human prosperity.
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