Kirsty Gogan was specially invited to take part of this high-level roundtable hosted by IAEA's Director General, Rafael M Grossi, and the UK Government with SMR and AMR industry representatives, regulators and experts.

The roundtable scope included:

1. Exploring the opportunities and challenges posed by recent advances in nuclear power including Small and Advanced Modular Reactors (SMRs and AMRs), medical radionuclides, and nuclear-powered space batteries.

2. The discussion touched on the role of governments, regulators, and international organizations in creating optimum enabling environments for nuclear innovation, as well as a discussion on how to develop nuclear skills and capability for the future.

3. The discussion explored the following key themes: 1. Research and development, 2. Regulation, 3. Resilient supply chains, 4. Nuclear skills and capability.

DG Grossi, Tim Stone CBE, Mark Foy, Kirsty Gogan, Paul Nevitt, Dan Mathers, Cassie Staines, Mark Bassett, Corinne Kitsell

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