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The 4th Generation | Advanced Energy
January 4, 2021
This article, written by our frequent collaborator, Rauli Partanen, is part 1 of a 4-part series on clean hydrogen and how to bring its costs down. The research is drawn from the Missing Link report by LucidCatalyst, which Terra Praxis is disseminating. Hydrogen, and clean fuels we can make with it, are among the most prominent options available to decarbonize these the “difficult-to-decarbonize” sectors, and drive much of the 60-70% of fossil fuels use we still see in mainstream scenarios by mid-century. If we cannot do it with hydrogen, there is even less chance we can do it with anything else...This undertaking is enormous. It is not a small subsection of our electricity grid. It is several times larger than our current electricity grid.
Power Magazine
January 3, 2021
Advancements in small modular reactor (SMR) technology are being supported by government investment within several countries, including the U.S. and the UK, as SMRs are increasingly seen as a way to take advantage of zero-emission nuclear power without the expense of building new, large nuclear power plants. Recent investments have looked at how parts for SMRs could be fabricated and then assembled at their destination, another way to reduce construction and overall project costs. Kirsty Gogan is quoted, referring to "advanced heat sources", and saying that they can provide economical and clean dispatchable generation, repower coal plants, and supply heat.
Energi Strategi Podden
December 27, 2020
This podcast from Sweden explores: How do we go about delivering on the Paris agreement? What kind of policy and infrastructural changes do we need? In this episode Eric Ingersoll and Kirsty Gogan discuss the findings of their Missing Link hydrogen report, authored by LucidCatalyst and being disseminated by Terra Praxis.
Intelligent Living
December 23, 2020
Danish startup Seaborg Technologies says it can make affordable nuclear electricity a viable alternative to fossil fuels—its floating barges fitted with advanced nuclear reactors could provide electricity across the developing world as soon as 2025. Kirsty Gogan is quoted: "For hard-to-reach regions, with a climate that is simultaneously too harsh to support the use of renewable energies and too fragile to continue its heavy dependence on fossil fuels, small nuclear, including floating plants, is the only answer." Floating nuclear power plants could be the “turn-key solution” necessary for fast-growing developing economies to power their industries, produce clean-burning hydrogen, and purify drinking water.
EU Political Report
December 17, 2020
This article highlights the findings of New Nuclear Watch Institute's report on: ‘On the Role of Nuclear Power in the Development of a European Hydrogen Economy’. It also highlights that such findings were discussed at a webinar with Kirsty Gogan, who called for a “new mind set in the nuclear sector”. The exhaustive study concludes that hydrogen can be a “vital” tool in the decarbonisation of energy systems and that nuclear-produced hydrogen would bring “multiple benefits” to the development of the European hydrogen system.
December 17, 2020
Nuclear advocates see a vast market for reactors in carbon capture and carbon-based products, not only for the next generation of reactors in development, but also for the aging dinosaurs they evolved from. “Carbon products represent the potential for an entirely new market for nuclear energy,” said Canon Bryan, CFO of Terrestrial Energy, which is developing a reactor that uses liquid uranium fluoride fuel...“If the waste heat from that plant was being combined with electricity production you could be removing 20 million tons per year of carbon from the atmosphere,” said Kirsty Gogan at an EarthX panel. Modular reactors may also be cheaper, Gogan said, because they can be manufactured in factories on a standard model.
December 11, 2020
This article reports that two groups of independent researchers set out to identify the most effective nonprofits that are working to curb climate change. Their findings may surprise you. Giving Green recommends five organizations: the Clean Air Task Force, the Sunrise Education Fund, which is the 501(c)(3) arm of the Sunrise Movement, Climeworks, Burn and Tradewater. Top charities selected by researchers at the Founders Pledge are the Clean Air Task Force (again), Carbon 180 and Terra Praxis.
Top Tier Impact Virtual Conference
December 5, 2020
A global members-only community of investors, entrepreneurs and professionals who are focused on solving the critical issues of our time invited Terra Praxis to submit a position paper and lead the charge in making the case for “nuclear energy’s place in reaching net-zero” during an intensive three-day virtual conference. Our key points are:
1. Flexible operation is critical to future power markets
2. Advanced reactors are competitive with best-in-class conventional power plants
3. Hydrogen-enabled synthetic fuels are key and can be affordably produced by nuclear plants
Business Insider
December 2, 2020
There's another reason the market for green hydrogen is set to grow: Even if we switch to renewable power, some industries will still be carbon-intensive, says Eric Ingersoll, a hydrogen market expert. Sourcing green hydrogen is a relatively easy way for industries to minimize their footprints. "In some ways, we're making a lot of progress with renewables, but we're not making the kind of progress we need with overall decarbonization," Ingersoll said. "People are starting to realize now that we need to have very practical solutions that can decarbonize our existing infrastructure."
H2 Workshop
December 2, 2020
Terra Praxis co-sponsored and presented a vision for large scale, low-cost hydrogen-enabled synthetic fuels production at this two-day virtual workshop, alongside energy-intensive users, future clean energy developers and suppliers, researchers and thought leaders. The discussion covered:
• Potential Markets for Low-Cost Hydrogen
• Hydrogen Production from Nuclear Energy – Current and Future Capabilities
• Advanced Reactors – New Technologies and Deployment Models
• Baselining Hydrogen Technology – Innovations in Electrolysis and Ammonia Synthesis
Air Miners Events Series
December 2, 2020
Kirsty Gogan of Terra Praxis was invited to participate in the first of the new series of events by AirMiners covering energy sources that can power carbon removal at global scale. Watch the video of the discussion about nuclear energy in partnership with the Anthropocene Institute on World Nuclear Energy Day! Other panelists included Canon Bryan of Terrestrial Energy and Seaver Wang of the Breakthrough Institute.
Founders Pledge
November 29, 2020
The Founders Pledge Research Team details how to support high-impact climate charities in the wake of the 2020 election. Read this informative analysis of about the timing and impact of philanthropy in their comprehensive report. One finding is that the vast majority of funding goes to public engagement and raising awareness. At the same time, global philanthropic support for decarbonizing sectors that are usually considered among the hardest to decarbonize — transport and industry — is less than that US$75 million. Carbon dioxide removal, the technology considered most in need of additional innovation policy support, received only US$25 million in global philanthropic support. Note that Founders Pledge supports Terra Praxis, which is one of only a handful of NGOs currently working on these difficult problems.
American Nuclear Society
November 17, 2020
Terra Praxis Co-Founders, Kirsty Gogan and Eric Ingersoll were invited to speak at the 2020 ANS Winter meeting, where they presented on transforming nuclear power plant delivery models from FOAK to NOAK.
Thorium MSR Foundation
November 13, 2020
The Netherlands is poised to procure 10GW of new nuclear energy to support net zero goals. Kirsty Gogan and Eric Ingersoll joined senior Dutch politicians and thought leaders where they presented the potentially transformative opportunity for shipyard manufactured nuclear plants to deliver high quality, low-cost plants with increased budget and schedule certainty. Watch the video.
November 5, 2020
The EU’s Sustainable Finance Taxonomy committee had out-of-date information that was putting nuclear at risk of being misclassified. So ARUP team members dug through 70 years of the industry's techniques and best practices. The report they delivered showed a body of scientific evidence for good waste management—supporting a conclusion that nuclear power deserves a place in the EU Sustainable Finance Taxonomy framework. Kirsty Gogan of Terra Praxis was an advisor to this report. Read the report at the link below.
CleanTech Group, Webinar
October 28, 2020
Can Innovation Transform the Global Energy System? Watch this webinar exploring how nuclear innovation must be part of the solution for decarbonization in electricity, industry, and transport. You'll gain a new understanding of the role advanced nuclear can play in hitting 2050 global decarbonization targets. Webinar speakers include Kirsty Gogan of Terra Praxis, Dr. Rita Baranwal of the US DOE, Dr. Sama Bilbao Y León Director of the World Nuclear Association, and James E. Hansen former Director of NASA. Sponsors include Terrestrial Energy, NuScale Power, and USNC.
The 4th Generation
October 27, 2020
A new report by energy research and consultancy firm LucidCatalyst and NGO Terra Praxis says that carbon-neutral, hydrogen-enabled synthetic fuels might be the answer to transitioning these “difficult-to-decarbonize” sectors. Synthetic fuels—meaning fuels made chemically instead of mined from the earth—can be economically competitive with fossil fuels, according to the report. This is a crucial breakthrough. First, implementing synthetic fuels gets rid of the need to electrify everything. Assuming these fuels are carbon neutral, all we have to do is swap them in for hydrocarbons. Second, they could replace the 50-60% of global emissions attributed to these sectors, at identical cost to cheap traditional fuels. Terra Praxis is helping disseminate the report.
Are We Nearly There Yet? Podcast
October 21, 2020
Listen to this podcast with Kirsty Gogan about her life and how she came to work on climate issues. Kirsty highly recommends reading Professor Sir David MacKay’s book “Sustainable Energy Without the Hot Air” ( which opened her eyes to the scale of the energy challenge and not being able to address it with renewables alone.
International Atomic Energy Association
October 7, 2020
At the closing session of the IAEA Scientific Forum, hosted by Director General Rafael M. Grossi, Kirsty Gogan, of Terra Praxis and LucidCatalyst, participated with high level panelists, highlighting key findings on the role of nuclear power in the clean energy transition.
International Atomic Energy Association
September 30, 2020
Nuclear power must have a seat at the table in global discussions over energy policies to curb emissions and meet climate goals, as technical and scientific advances open the door to better economics and greater public acceptance of this low carbon source of energy. Participants discussed innovations that are making nuclear power a more affordable and attractive energy option. These include advances in large reactors, emerging technologies such as advanced fuel and small modular reactors (SMRs), engineering breakthroughs extending the operational lifetime of existing reactors, and new developments in waste management such as the construction of the world’s first deep geological repository for spent nuclear fuel. Kirsty Gogan and Eric Ingersoll participated on the panel and met with IAEA Director General Rafael Grossi.
Centro Interdisciplinario de Estudios Avanzados (CIEA)
September 30, 2020
Kirsty Gogan of Terra Praxis (and founder of Energy for Humanity) participated as a speaker at the International Webinar “Present and Future of Nuclear Energy in a Changing World“ organized by the Study Program on Nuclear Energy and Innovation (PROGENI).
International Atomic Energy Association
September 24, 2020
Rafael Mariano Grossi, IAEA Director General met with Kirsty Gogan, Co-Founder for Terra Praxis and Managing Director of LucidCatalyst, and Eric Ingersoll, Co-Founder for Terra Praxis and LucidCatalyst, during the IAEA 64th General Conference held at the Agency headquarters in Vienna. View the gallery of images by clicking on the Read Article link below.
International Atomic Energy Association
September 23, 2020
Watch the video of Kirsty Gogan of Terra Praxis and LucidCatalyst interviewed on the much needed transition to clean energy and the role played by nuclear, in the Media Corner at the 2020 IAEA Scientific Forum.
World Nuclear News
September 17, 2020
Untapped options for clean hydrogen—including the use of advanced modular reactors—can put the world back on the pathway to meeting the Paris climate goals, according to a new report from energy research and consultancy firm LucidCatalyst. The report says the clean energy transition from oil to hydrogen-based fuels could be achieved with a global investment of US$17 trillion, spent over 30 years from 2020 to 2050. Terra Praxis is disseminating the report.
World Nuclear News
September 15, 2020
There are immediate actions that countries and stakeholders can take in understanding the importance of nuclear power in the transition to clean energy, according to a report published today by the Flexible Nuclear Campaign for Nuclear-Renewables Integration (FNC). FNC is a campaign of the Nuclear Innovation: Clean Energy Future (NICE Future) initiative under the Clean Energy Ministerial (CEM), and coordinated by the National Renewable Energy Laboratory. Terra Praxis' partner organization helped create this campaign.
Clean Energy Ministerial 11
September 15, 2020
Watch the video of Kirsty Gogan of Terra Praxis and LucidCatalyst presenting ideas from the Missing Link report about clean synthetic fuels by LucidCatalyst, at the Flexibility in Clean Energy Systems: The Enabling Roles of Nuclear Energy panel at CEM 11, as part of the launch of Flexible Nuclear Campaign for Nuclear-Renewables Integration. This NICE Future event in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia showcases clean energy system options through nuclear energy innovations. Speakers will discuss how emerging nuclear energy breakthroughs can improve system flexibility, support the integration of higher shares of variable renewable energy, and ultimately lead to cleaner, more resilient power.
Business Green
September 14, 2020
A new report by LucidCatalyst argues that with demand for clean hydrogen set to boom, the nascent modular reactor industry could have a key role to play in meeting surging demand. The world can meet the Paris climate goals and save "trillions" of dollars by building a new generation of modular nuclear reactors to create clean hydrogen, the report suggests. Terra Praxis is disseminating this report.
The Sunday Times
September 13, 2020
This article features the Missing Link report about how to tackle the difficult-to-decarbonize sectors to achieve net zero by 2050. LucidCatalyst authored the report and Terra Praxis is disseminating it. Using nuclear power to generate hydrogen could help limit global warming and clean up heavy industries, a report has claimed. Hydrogen is rapidly turning into the holy grail for environmentalists and big oil companies alike, because the only by-product of its combustion is water. The government is committed to the UK achieving net zero carbon emissions by 2050.
Nuclear Industry Association UK
September 2, 2020
The nuclear industry today set out an ambitious framework to cut the cost of constructing new power stations in the UK. In a new report, a cross-industry team, working as part of the Government-backed Nuclear Sector Deal, set out the key factors to reduce risk and bring down costs by 30% by 2030. Terra Praxis partner organization, LucidCatalyst was part of the team.
Cleaning Up Podcast
August 19, 2020
Michael Liebreich interviews Terra Praxis and LucidCatalyst's Kirsty Gogan about nuclear energy: "It's the missing link to a livable climate". What role (if any) should nuclear play in a low carbon future? Should we build more large-scale light-water reactors despite high costs? Is nuclear safe? What about proliferation? Kirsty Gogan, a leading voice on nuclear power answers all of the above. Watch the video of this interview.